…for Tweens

  Dates & times
  • Thu, 06/04/2020 - 4:00pm
  Category Play & Learn
  Age Groups Teen


Play games, do crafts, and talk about books with other tweens.  For tweens entering grades 4-6. To join virtually, please register here to receive sign-in instructions and a reminder email one day prior to each program.


June 3: Zany Games

Play hilarious games that using the Summer Reading Club theme: “Imagine Your Story” on Zoom. For those entering grades 4-6. 

June 10: Harry Potter Party

Test your Harry Potter knowledge and skills with friends on Zoom. For those entering grades 4-6. Pick up a Harry Potter Party Kit at Wright Library and register.

June 17: Habitat Scavenger Hunt

Use your creativity to do this online Zoom scavenger hunt by finding objects around your house.  For those entering grades 4-6. 

June 24: Bingo!

Pick up a couple bingo cards at Wright Library between June 16 and June 24, then join us on Zoom to play Bingo. Prizes can be picked up at the library the next day. For those entering grades 4-7. 

July 8: Turtle Make and Take

Pick up a kit at the library between June 30 and July 8, then join Mrs. Bengson on Zoom to learn how to make your turtle. For those entering grades 4-7. 

July 15: Twisted Fairy Tale Escape Room

Can you break out of the virtual escape room, and get past the witch, the wolf, and Rapunzel, the Zombie? For those entering grades 4-7. 

July 22: Games!

Play Pictionary and other games on Zoom. For those entering grades 4-7. 

July 29: Tween Book Club

Read one or more of the hilarious books by Liesl Shurtliff: Rump, Jack, Red, or Grump. Then join us to talk about the books on Zoom. For those entering grades 4-7. 

Source URL: https://wright.lib.oh.us/content/…-tweens