Tour De Gem Exceeds Goal

The Wright Library Book Pedalers team exceeded their goal, raising more than $4,800. 

Congratulations to the 20 riders participating on the Wright Library Book Pedalers team for this year's Tour de Gem. And, thank you for juggling competing demands for time and resources and caring enough to show up for your beloved Wright Library this year.  

Donations will be accepted until October 31st, and all funds raised go directly to Wright Library. 

For information about joining the 2023 team, reach out to us at

To donate now visit:

Tour de Gem | The Wright Brothers 2022 Cycling Classic is a fundraising cycling event for local Nonprofits to raise money and bring awareness to their important missions. This is a fun, family-friendly way for cyclists of all ages and abilities to have a positive impact in their community and explore the many GEMs the Dayton region has to offer.

updated: 10/11/2022

Book Peddelars logo

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