Poverty & Homelessness Experience

photo collage

Poverty & Homelessness Experience Printable Book List [PDF]


The Black Cabinet by Jill Watts

Can’t Hurt Me by David Goggins

A Good Provider is One Who Leaves by Jason DeParle

The Growing Season by Sarah Frey

Heartland by Sarah Smarsh

Hill Women by Cassie Chambers

Maid by Stephanie Land

Nickel and Dimed by Barbara Ehrenreich

Someplace Like America by Dale Maharidge

Tightrope by Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn

Troop 6000 by Nikita Stewart

You Ought to Do a Story About Me by Ted Jackson

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Poverty-Homelessness April 2021_0.pdf 390.51 KB

Source URL: https://wright.lib.oh.us/diversify/poverty-experience-books