Why Audiobooks?

Audiobook options from Wright Library

4 Reasons to Listen to Books

illustration of headphones & sound vibrations over an open book1. Tired eyes need a break. 

Screentime can take a toll on our eyes. Audiobooks allow listeners to enjoy books while giving overworked eyes some needed time off. Read about 8 more health benefits of audiobooks >

2. Hands-free reading opens possibilities. 

Audiobooks open up more hours in the day to dive into a great book. Listen while driving, laying around, mowing the grass, exercising, or tiding up.

3. Reluctant readers may embrace a change. 

Research shows that listening engages the same areas of the brain as traditional reading. Audiobooks help to build vocabulary and critical thinking and level the playing field for struggling readers.

4. Travel light. 

The compact form of physical audobooks and cloudbased nature of digital audiobooks save travelers from the bulk and weight of print materials.


Audiobooks—from Wright Library

Use your device to listen to audiobooks:

  • Libby choose from more than 27,000 audiobook titles offered by the Ohio Digital Library
  • Tumblebooks—perfect for non and beginning readers
  • Hoopla—where there is  never a waiting line

Not able to stream and don't want to download?infographic titled how audio promotes literacy linked to pdf

  • Try a preloaded, compact Playaway.  Use with headphones or plug into your auxiliary speaker.
  • Check out a audiobook on CD.
  • Wonderbooks are perfect for young readers who like to look at pictures while reading along with the narrator.


Source URL: https://wright.lib.oh.us/audiobooks-summer2021