Public Participation at a Library Board Meeting

To participate in a library board meeting:

To submit a request form, complete and submit the webform below or complete the printable PDF Request Form and bring it to the library in person.

Please contact the Director with any questions.

Library Board of Trustee meetings are open to the public. If you wish to speak at a meeting, you must complete the request form in full, including topic, and return it to the attention of the Library Director at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting.

Speakers are required to sign in before the Call to Order. Comment from the public to the Board may take place only during the time designated for Public Comment on the agenda. 

Speakers will be called on by name and asked to preface their comments by announcement of their name, county of residence, and group affiliation (if any). Speakers are limited to three minutes to express opinions, ideas, or concerns. Trustees will listen and take all comments under advisement. It should not be expected that the Board will take immediate action on any subject brought before it.

Meeting dates and times may be found on the Library’s public bulletin board and on the Administration page. See also the Public Participation at Library Board Meetings policy

All sections of the form must be completed.

Your Information

Are you a resident of Montgomery County, Ohio?

Contact Information


Additional Details

Please enter the date for the meeting you wish to speak at. Note that this form must be submitted at least 24 hours before the meeting time.
If you are representing a group or organization, please provide the name.

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