Convenient mobile access to library services

Wright Library Mobile App
Get the app | AndroidGet the app | iOS
Store your virtual library card, manage multiple accounts, search and request library items, browse featured titles, access remote printing and other online library resources easily, and more.
To download, use the "Get the app" link for your device (Android or iOS) or scan the QR code below with your device's camera app.
Note: WMPL's mobile app is not able to fully integrate eBook checkouts or other downloadable streaming titles. To access our digital collections on your mobile device, please use the content providers' apps listed below.
Other Mobile Apps
Access the library's digital collections from your mobile device using these apps. Sign in using your 14-digit library card number. Most apps will also require you to register for a free account.
If prompted for a PIN, the last 4 digits of the cardholder’s phone # is the default PIN.
Call (937) 294-7171 for assistance.
Service | Get it from the Play Store | Get it from the App Store | Description | Website |
| Android app | iOS app | Track reading for yourself and your family; enter challenges to promote lifelong reading | |
| Android app | iOS app | Present wirelessly to the screens in the library's Community Room from your mobile device; your device must be on the WMPL Wifi public network to connect. | More about mobile connection to AirMedia devices |
| Android app | iOS app | Ubiquitous access to content and search results across the library’s EBSCO database subscriptions. | EBSCO desktop search |
| Android App | iOS app | Free & Legal music! Stream up to 3 hours of music per day; download up to 3 songs per week-- yours to keep and play anytime. | Freegal Music |
| Android app | iOS app | Mobile access to Legal Forms, Opposing Viewpoints, Chilton vehicle repair library, and more | Find all our research databases |
| Android app | iOS app | eBooks, eAudiobooks, comic books, music, movies and television shows | |
| Android app | iOS app | Thousands of movies, including festival award-winning films, documentaries, The Criterion Collection, and more. New titles added weekly | Kanopy |
| Android app | iOS app | Overdrive's preferred app; use to access eBooks, eAudiobooks, and videos through Ohio Digital Library | Ohio Digital Library |
| Android app | iOS app | Log in for free with Library ID oh0172, your library card, and PIN. Then explore over 16,000 expert-led courses. | Our Library ID is: oh0172 |
| Android app | iOS app | Provides live streaming audio for event attendees in the library's Community Room | More about ListenWIFI Assistive Listening |
| Android app | iOS app | Choose from over 70 languages. Create an account to track your progress. Remote login may require your library card, and PIN. | Mango Languages |
| Android app | iOS app | Expert coverage from 1700 journalists in 160 countries worldwide; use the library digital access code for free 24 hour access-- redeem as often as you want. | New York Times |
Need a little more help?
Or for assistance, contact us online, call 937-294-7171, or visit the library.
- Wright Library's access to Tumblebooks was discontinued 10/14/23.
- Overdrive Mobile App was discontinued in Spring 2023. Please access the Overdrive content collecting using the Libby app or Ohio Digital Library website.
- Wright Library's access to CloudLibrary services ended 4/30/21.