Science Reference Source
Covers topics including biology, chemistry, earth and space science, environmental science, health and medicine, history of science, life science, physics, science and society, science as inquiry, scientists, technology and wildlife.
Explora Secondary School
Topic overviews that provide students with a starting point for research, designed specifically for Secondary School (6-12) students and teachers.
Explora Primary School
Topic overviews that provide students with a starting point for research, designed specifically for Primary School (K-5) students and teachers.
Explora Public Libraries
Includes topic overviews that provide students with a starting point for research; articles, essays, and primary source documents to help students feel successful in their research; and reading level indicators (Lexile® Measures) to simplify discovery of grade-appropriate content
Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos
Beginning-level Spanish World Book encyclopedia site with an easy-to-use, bilingual interface.
Este es un sitio de la enciclopedia Spanish World Book de nivel inicial, con miles de artículos, ilustraciones y mapas, y una interfaz bilingüe fácil de usar.
EBSCO All Database search
Search across all databases which Wright Library and the Ohio Web Library purchase from EBSCOhost.