Advance Directives Seminar

  Dates & times
  • Thu, 06/20/2024 - 11:00am
  Category Living Well
  Age Groups Adult


Thursday, June 20, 20204

Start time: 11:00 AM – Duration: 1 hour

Location: Wright Library’s Community Room


Learn about Advance Directives

Attorney George Lovett, founding partner of Lovett & House Law Firm, will present a seminar on Advance Directives. Learn how Power of Attorney and Do Not Resuscitate directives are used in medical care. Additional topics include Medicare planning, veteran benefits, retirement home planning, and wills and trusts. Q&A follows the presentation. All attendees can receive a free living will, free healthcare power of attorney, and may schedule a free consultation if they wish.

About the Presenter

George Lovett brings years of experience and insight to each case that he handles. As a certified expert by the Ohio State Bar Association in Estate Planning, Trust and Probate Law, Mr. Lovett uses his extensive knowledge to help clients and their families effectively work through legal matters in the areas of Wills and Trusts, Probate, Guardianship, and Medicaid and Nursing Home Planning. Mr. Lovett is also an accomplished lecturer and writer in the areas of Estate Planning and Medicaid Planning, having written and spoken hundreds of times on these subjects.