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Front of the Wright Library building. A classic brick building with narrow windows on either side of the front door and a black shingle roof
Voting badges on a stars & strips background
"The Anxious Generation" book sits against a background of kids staring at mobile phones
Watch Live Author Talks Online and view recordings of past talks.  Register at libraryc.org/wrightlibrary

Reserve an Item

Library items currently checked out can be held for you once they are returned.  To do so, visit or call (294-7171) the Reference Department for books and the Audiovisual Department for audiobooks, CD-ROMs, DVDs, and music CDs.  You can also place request through the online catalog.  The number of items you can have on hold at one time is limited to 50. 

Oakwood Community Resources

Parents, Please Note...

 Wright Library allows all patrons, regardless of age, to borrow materials from all areas of the library's collection. The staff does not monitor or judge the materials selection of any borrower. Parents are strongly encouraged to accompany their children to the library to help them slect appropriate materials. It is the parents' right and responsibility to monitor their child's library use.